09 May 2016 CADS Ontario AGM
Our AGM was held early this year, in an effort to attract more members, while skiing was still fresh in our minds. It seemed to be a good strategy, as we had the best attendance ever! The following members were elected or re-elected to the Board for the coming year.
The CADS Ontario Division Executive for 2016-17
Gwen Binsfeld President
Jonathan Wood VP/ Communications
Carl Hennum Past President
Debbie Uniac Administrator/Treasurer
Jamie Spencer Program Liaison/ Technical Delegate/Training Lead
Program Board Members
Steve Haennel Snow Valley
Burt Callahan Brimacombe
Ted Wieclawek Heights of Horseshoe
Wayne Churchill Horseshoe Valley
Drew Beaumont Searchmount
We were happy to have had so many out, and appreciate the input.
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