
Our program is full for the 2024/25 season. Please contact to be added to our wait list for the 2025/26 season.

The CADS Durham program continues to work in partnership with Brimacombe Ski Resort.

Our goal is to provide an alpine ski experience for persons of all ages with physical and/or intellectual disabilities in a positive, fun and inclusive environment. Our program is unique in that it is entirely run by volunteers. None of this is possible without the support, dedication and positive spirit of all our volunteers!

Skiers are matched with trained volunteer partners and our Instructors provide formal instruction. Specialized equipment, if required, is provided by CADS Durham.

*PLEASE NOTE: Students using skis, boots and poles must supply their own equipment or make arrangements to rent equipment from the on-site Rental Shop.


All participants and Volunteers/Instructors are required to obtain their CADS membership at a cost of $47, in order to be properly insured. This cost is borne by the person registering.

*PLEASE NOTE that CADS participant memberships should not be purchased until one of our Program Directors from CADS Durham has confirmed the participant’s acceptance into the program. The premature purchase of a membership does not guarantee placement in the program.

Program fees for participants who are accepted into the program for the 2024/25 season are $280.00.


Volunteers are vital in running a successful program. CADS Durham provides comprehensive training & certification opportunities. To promote consistent training, volunteers are required to be available for two lessons each ski day. Lift tickets for volunteers are provided. Mandatory full-day training for all on-snow volunteers and instructors will be held on Sunday January 5th, 2025 (weather and snow permitting). Lift tickets are provided but all participants are responsible for their own equipment and lunch.

NOTE: All on-hill volunteers must be competent intermediate skiers. NEW this season, all volunteers are required to complete a 90 minute SAFE SPORT online training prior to the start of the ski season.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with CADS Durham. As we are a 100% volunteer organization, we very much appreciate your interest in becoming a part of our volunteer team.

If you have any questions or require further information please connect with us by email at




Sarah Milligan, Maria Hanus