15 Nov AGM 2021 – President’s Report
Well this might be the shortest President’s Report in the history of CADS Ontario seeing as we did not run any programs last season so I won’t dwell on the obvious. Despite the season being cancelled we were pleasantly grateful that 110 members still chose to renew their memberships. I think this shows the incredible spirit of giving that CADS members display not only in the giving of their time but in recognizing the value of renewing their memberships to help keep the organization afloat financially. We did take some time last year to focus internally at our Governance documents and where we could strengthen our Policies in our efforts to achieve better compliance with AODA and industry best practices. In that effort we developed an Accessibility and an Inclusion Policy that will better inform our work both on the hill and at the Board table. Lastly, our long time application for charitable status was finally granted this summer and now allows CADS Ontario to issue charitable tax receipts directly but also to seek grants and donations from a wider pool of donors. With improved fundraising efforts in the future we hope this will boost revenue in addition to our member fees to allow us to continue to offer Bursaries and purchase equipment when necessary.
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