17 Sep Letter from the New Prez
Yes, I am thinking snow, how about you?
Our CADS Ontario Board has been busy working behind the scenes to help facilitate all of our adaptive ski programs. We have set out an ambitious goal list for this season.
- We will communicate directly with our members with our Newsletters!
- Our website will be updated and current.
- Pre Course is important for all programs, and CADS Ontario will help facilitate increased attendance.
- There will be Program Director’s Summit to develop Best Practices.
- A second ‘Annual’ Ontario Festival is in the works.
- We will continue to have our Board Liaison, Jamie Spencer visit each of the programs.
- Provide technical direction, and training for volunteers.
- Represent Ontario at CADS National.
The role of our CADS Ontario Board will be to continue to support our independent programs. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, I encourage you to contact me directly.
Hope to ski ya soon,
Gwen Binsfeld
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